form0 Visual Video Demo wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwp Form2 Picture1 wwwwwwwwwwwwwwp wwwwwwwwwwwwwp Label1 Visual Video Demo Label3 !Video checkout system for Windows Label2 *Written in Visual Basic and Paradox Engine Label6 by Steve Jackson, October 1991 Label5 Database directory: Picture2 Command1 E&xit dbdir Label4 Have a nice life Menucheckout &Checkout MenuReturn &Return MenuCustomer C&ustomer MenuInventory &Inventory MenuAbout &About Command1_Click custadd Command2_Click custedit Form_Click @ Form_Load StartUp Form_Unload Cancel Shutdown Menuexit_Click Menucheckout_Click% MenuInventory_Click9 MenuReturn_ClickO MenuCustomer_Click MenuAbout_Clickr Label3_Click Label4_Click Picture2_Click MB_ICONEXLAMATION MB_ICONEXCLAMATION Picture1_Click MenuAbout Click MousePointer POINTER_HOURGLASS POINTER_DEFAULT MoustPointer screen itemedit checkout returnformp dbdir textz db_dir vvabout Command1_Click Form_Load dbdir.text = db_dir Form_Unload Command2_Click Menucheckout_Click MenuInventory_Click Start the inventory edit form MODELESS,t which means it must be completed before returningw MenuReturn_Click MenuCustomer_Click Start the customer edit form MODELESS, which means it must be completed before returningr MenuAbout_Click Show it modelesst Picture2_Click Have a very nice life! Picture1_Click